Hello and welcome to all

Thank you for finding my web site and being one of my on-line students.

I know you will benefit from what you find; and, this site will help you become the guitar player / performer we both know you can become with our combined efforts.

Years of studying, playing and teaching has allowed me to “boil down” what you need to know in the shortest most effective way to become a solid guitarist. The site is being continually upgraded and enhanced; however, there is sufficient material to keep beginning and intermediate guitar students going for some time.

Please notice I don’t sell advertising. Also notice I keep my overhead down by not having a staff of people to write / edit my work or even those who would do work under my name. It is all Roger all the time. While my site may not be as flashy as it could be, it is pure and true to what a guitar student needs to succeed. 

Also note I did not produce the site to impress my music friends. Too many teachers forget their students and just produce material to impress their fellow guitarists / friends. I write only to teach you. I’ll impress my friends in my spare time.

Thank you and let’s keep up the good work